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   This website is customized to show the study of wild plants of Palestine, which is a focal point of interest to people all over the world. Any person who is interested in the nature of Palestine will find valuable information regarding wild plants on this website. The website is under construction and will be developed and updated frequently. It will be open freely to the public throughout the world, but all materials will be protected by international copyright laws.

   The aim of this website is to bring information to a wide audience in an easily accessible forum in order to educate and promote the appreciation of the natural resources existing in Palestine. It is hoped that the website will encourage efforts focused on the conservation and sustainability of nature.

   Plants can be searched by scientific, common English names and common Arabic names. Information on the website will be updated continuously with as more data is made available.

   Dr. Ghadeer Omar, plant taxonomist at An-Najah National University has photographed, collected, identified, classified the plant specimens and uploaded the scientific data on the website. The computer center, at An-Najah National University, completed the programming of the website.